
A Worthwhile Relationship

A person who has decided to take a real break from dating is often reassessing their own needs, and they believe it is easier to do it when they are not in a relationship. Their resistance to being matched for blind dates or being someone’s dinner partner can be a time when they dig in their heels to get their own way with loved ones. They see these impositions as an attempt to get them married off to the next available single person, and they are often disgusted with the thought. They want to figure out what it will take for them to find a worthwhile relationship, and they are unwilling to settle for anything less.

Fate is said to be fickle, and it seems as if the perfect partner often waits to appear until someone has decided they want to remain single for a good amount of time. It might have just been an accidental meeting, or it could be a long lost cousin who recently returned from living on the other side of the world. The person who has declared a break is unwilling to date the other person, but the opportunities just keep on appearing until they give in.

There will be those who find that the person they have finally agreed to date is not someone they want to be with for the rest of their life, but others will end up in a long term relationship that works out well. They might regret not taking a bit more time before giving in and dating, but some of them will simply be grateful they finally found someone who is perfect for them.

Complete opposition to dating is generally not something most singles indulge in, and they are often open to good possibilities. Taking a break is often just a time when they want to make their own assessment of what they really need to have a good relationship, and they still want to find that relationship that will make their life and future complete.